
Fusagasugá is a city in the department of Cundinamarca. The town is also named Fusa wich is short for Fusagasugá. The city has about 130.000 people in 2012. The city is also referred to as the Garden city of Colombia.


Most of the economy of the city is based on agriculture and construction services.


Fusagasugá is a city in the department of Cundinamarca. The town is also named Fusa wich is short for Fusagasugá. The city has about 130.000 people in 2012. The city is also referred to as the Garden city of Colombia.


Most of the economy of the city is based on agriculture and construction services.

Laatste Nieuws


05 mei2014

Fusagasugá is a city in the department of Cundinamarca. The town is also named Fusa wich is short for Fusagasugá. The city has about 130.000 people in 2012. The city is also referred to as the Garden city of Colombia.


Most of the economy of the city is based on agriculture and construction services.


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1 GBP5498,35 COP10-1-2022
1 USD4050,08 COP10-1-2022
1 EUR4587,77 COP10-1-2022

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